Monday, May 31, 2010

The hidden health power of spices and herbs is revealed in recent studies

"scientists are starting to discover a whole host of health benefits from common herbs and spices—and it's possible that we humans evolved a taste for these toxic compounds because they help our bodies function better."

Observations: The hidden health power of spices and herbs is revealed in recent studies:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Renal protection by a soy diet associated with restoration of NO generation.

Renal protection by a soy diet associated with restoration of NO generation.

Cut Back on Sodas to Lower Blood Pressure on

Cut Back on Sodas to Lower Blood Pressure on "Cut Back on Sodas to Lower Blood Pressure"

Cherries as a Post-Race and Arthritis Pain Reliever

A recent supports that cherries may reduce pain from running. In the study pain generated in long-distance runners that drank cherry juice for several prior and on race day showed significanly lower elevations of pain after the race than those that did not. The findings from the researcher show that drinking cherry juice before a race may reduce post-race pain.

This study is in agreement with older studies that demonstrate that anthrocyanins in cherries may provide some pain relief including the arthritis pain and pain from gout. In an arthritis study, more than half of the participants showed improvements in osteoarthritis pain and function after eight weeks. Cherries rate high on the ORAC scale and a 2007 study by the University of Michigan demonstrated that cherries may improve cardiovascular health and reduce oxidative stress.

"For centuries, the cherry, either as bark, root or fruit, has been a source of medicine for indigenous peoples. Native Americans prized cherries as pain relievers, especially for sore throats. The Cherokees used an infusion of sour cherry bark to treat laryngitis. The Ojibwa used the crushed root for stomach pain. The Forest Potawatomi employed an infusion of the inner bark to alleviate internal pains while the MicMac used black cherry fruit as a health tonic."


Grow Your Own:



Kuehl, K. S., Perrier, E. T., Elliot, D. L., and Chesnutt, J. C. (2010). Efficacy of tart cherry juice in reducing muscle pain during running: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1).
Fruit Advantage. Retrieved on May 25, 2010.
Sour, Tart or Pie Cherries. Retrieved on May 25, 2010.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fruits and Veggies Fight Inflammation Markers

"Increased intakes of fruit and vegetables may decrease markers of inflammation linked to a range of chronic diseases, says a new study from Spain."

Summary: Inflammatory markers such as IL-6, CRP and Tnf-a may be reduced by consuming more fruits and vegetables. Il-6 has shown evidence of stimulating a number of inflammatory responses including but not limited to neuroinflammation and fatigue.

Fruit and veg advice gets nutrigenomic boost:

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Click picture to shop!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

NO/cGMP Involved in Toluene Induced Hyperactivity

CiteULike: Involvement of NO/cGMP pathway in toluene-induced locomotor hyperactivity in female rats: "Chan, M.-H., Chien, T.-H., Lee, P.-Y., and Chen, H.-H. (2004). Involvement of no/cgmp pathway in toluene-induced locomotor hyperactivity in female rats. Psychopharmacology, 176(3):435-439."

Caffeine Protects Against PD-related Pestide Neuron Injury


The results demonstrate the neuroprotective potential of caffeine in a chronic pesticide exposure model of model of PD.

CiteULike: Caffeine protects against combined paraquat and maneb-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration.: "Kachroo, A., Irizarry, M. C., and Schwarzschild, M. A. (2010). Caffeine protects against combined paraquat and maneb-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Experimental neurology, 223(2):657-661."

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